Meet Pia of Sweet Digs
When I first heard of Pia, owner of Sweet Digs, I was so intrigued by her story. We over here at MoodWellth firmly believe in making sure your home is a place you LOVE coming home to. It’s your sanctuary, your fun spot, your joy giver, all in one.
Leslie of Brown Girls Embrace
In honor of Women’s History Month, we decided to honor women we love and follow for being the sacred space holders they are. All month long, we will be highlighting, honoring and celebrating Black women who are making history when it comes to holding sacred space for themselves and others.
First up is Leslie of Brown Girls Embrace. Leslie Ann has an incredible story of turning her pain into purpose.
Meet Wellthy Woman Michelle Harris
Our idea of wealth is not just about how rich your pockets are, but how rich your life is, and our goal is to showcase melanated women who embrace this notion and inspire us to live boldly and rewrite our stories. The Wellthy Woman makes space for her joy and her pain, laughter and tears, success and mistakes, strength and vulnerability.