Have you ever caught yourself acting “childish”? Maybe resorted to holding a stuffed animal or rocking back and forth in order self-soothe? If so, you may be experiencing a psychological phenomenon called ‘Age Regression’. 

According to an article by healthline, which was medically reviewed by psychologist Timothy J. Legg, “Age regression occurs when someone reverts to a younger state of mind. This retreat may be only a few years younger than the person’s physical age. It could also be much younger, into early childhood or even infancy.” 

Age regression can look like tantrums, whining, using baby talk or rocking back and forth. Age regression can even bleed into things like your choice of clothing. This odd pattern of behavior can be short-term or long-term. You may only age regress during times of great stress, or stressful times may change the way you act for a longer period of time. 

Age regression, like many maladaptive behaviors, can be a sign of an unmet need in childhood. Long term instances of physical, emotional or sexual abuse can strain your relationship with your inner child, so, age regression is your brain’s way of trying to repair the connection. Though age regression can look odd and make it difficult to maintain relationships and responsibilities, it can also be healing. 

Therapeutic practices such as hypnotherapy can be useful in managing age regression by getting to the root of it, and allowing it to happen in a safe, controlled environment. 

So, have you struggled with age regression? Where do you think that might come from?